Everything you're looking for to grow and manage you're brand on Amazon & global eCommerce.
Online retail, with giants such as Amazon, is complex, and even scary at times. We ensure your brand is prepared with a solid foundation to succeed in the online marketplace.
Supply chain management, customer service and intelligent data we use are imperative to your growth in the now and the future. Brands are successful when these key elements are flowing efficiently and smoothly, and it is our job to ensure your brand accomplishes that.
Engage & Convert
Your brand has a unique story. The content of your product tells that story-it speaks to the consumer. High quality content is crucial when engaging with new customers and ultimately increasing your conversion rate. We advise and help deliver your brand's content efficiently.
Some Of Our Partners
Hi, Were The Lion's Marc
Your Passion, Our Expertise
Our team is accumulated of individuals with years of experience in both brick N’ mortar and online retail. We understand how chaotic, fast-moving, and frustrating eCommerce can be. That’s right, we understand! The good news is, this is our specialty! The Lion’s Marc has become an All-In-One solution for brands, eliminating the need for brands to constantly worry about each facet of the Amazon platform. We consistently help brands reach new customers, increase exposure and ultimately increase sales. We proudly achieve this through our established infrastructure, technology, experience, and more importantly our deep commitment to the growth and success of our partners.
Let's Chat
For information and all partnership inquires, use the forum below.
Call: 657-223-3164